Thursday, July 30, 2015

Author: Vitalis Essala

Author Interview:  Vitalis Essala

Book title and Subtitle: Act On Your Dream Today – The Principles Of Stability And Human Excellence Part One

Genre: Self-help

Vitalis Essala

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am an inspirational writer, a life coach, and a speaker. I have a training as a pastor and a journalist. These training's have equipped me with a powerful drive in communication. Finally I was born orphan: my dad past a couple of months prior to my birth. From a poor family, I know what it means to have nobody look after you when you are just a teenager having to survive in the streets of a big city. I know what it means to be hopeless. I know what it means to go from nowhere and discover a life aim. Say the word “pain” and I will give you its practical definition.

What is one of your favorite positive sayings or quotes?

Everything you want, you can have if you do what it takes and if you count onto the Lord. That is my own saying.

Who or What inspired you to start writing this book?

My own life. I once thought I was condemned to hopelessness, despair, and desperation until I purposely decided to end the trend. I had no idea how to do so but I had something in me telling me to research the matter. Luckily people before me had the same questions and had found answers. Shocked by that discovery I decided to reach out to other people imprisoned by defeatism in any way possible. That is how I decided to write it out.

What three words would you use to describe this book?

Inspirational, Practical, Helpful.

Who is your target group for this book?

Young and grown adults. As soon as one can ask the following question: what am I on earth for? that book is for them.

Tell us about this book.

Act On Your Dream Today is divided up in eight chapters. The sum of the eight chapters presents four fundamental principles that I call the principles of stability and human excellence. The reader will learn how to know themselves, how to define or discover their dream, how to formulate their dream in an applicable way, and how to act on their dream. Every major division is accompanied by a set of exercises to help the reader apply the reading materials.

Do you have a favorite chapter from this book?

My favorite chapter is chapter six. It presents a case study. If the reader skips all the activities prior to that chapter and only follows the pattern discussed in that case study, they will attain the main goal of the entire book which is to help the reader define their dream and act on it. But one has to read the preceding chapters or else they will not be familiar with the terminology used in chapter six.

What do you hope people will gain from reading this book?

I hope people will clearly determine their calling in life upon completion of their reading.

Is your book in Print, ebook or both?

Both. However, it is going to take a few more weeks before the print version. The reason being there were quite a few issues with the first version. Those issues were lately addressed. The kindle version is fast to publish so the revisited kindle version is already available. The readers will have to wait until mid-August before they can order the print version.

What advice would you give to other Writers?

They have the duty to share their gift with the general public. Let them write what they have in mind and publish it as only they can say things their own way.

Tell us the link where potential readers can buy this book.

Any additional links?

Is there anything else you would like to share about this book?

At this point I can only announce my new book soon: it is called The Damages Of Doubt. Look forward to it.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a
glimpse into your world.
