Thursday, July 23, 2015

Author: Eva P. Scott

Author Interview:  Eva P. Scott
Book title and Subtitle: Joy and Trouble: Joined at the Hip

Genre: Bible Study

Eva P. Scott

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I teach first and second graders at church and have a special place in my heart for children. I am self-employed and do transcription. I do cross stitch, and love the study of languages. I have a minor in Bible.

What is one of your favorite positive sayings or quotes?

The important thing is this: to be able to sacrifice at any moment what we are for what we could become -- Charles DuBois.

Who or What inspired you to start writing this book?

Vic Moran, a teacher at the church I attend, taught a class on the book of James. In it he spoke about how trouble can be a reason for joy and that this concept is hard for us to understand. This peaked my curiosity of what else the Bible taught about it.

What three words would you use to describe this book?

Perseverance, Faith, Joy

Who is your target group for this book?

People who are going through a difficult time and need encouragement could gain a lot from this book.

Tell us about this book.

Joy and Trouble are often seen together in life. Many people who go through very difficult times seem to come out stronger than before they went through them. Does the Bible teach about this concept? This book explores this concept.

What do you hope people will gain from reading this book?

I want people to know that there are others who have gone through some very difficult times. They got through to the other side, and although their life wasn't what it was before, they grew stronger and found out new things about themselves.

Is your book in Print, ebook or both?

My book is in print and is also available as an ebook.

What advice would you give to other Writers?

Writing is easier when you are on a quest to discover knowledge. Use that quest to share what you learned with others.

Tell us the link where potential readers can buy this book.

Any additional links?

Is there anything else you would like to share about this book? 

This book has 12 short chapters with study questions which could be used in a small group setting.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your world.