Sunday, October 11, 2015

Author: Joshua Armah

Author Interview: Joshua Armah A.K.A. J Armah The Boss

Book Title and Subtitle: Success Over Everything: Success Comes 1st

Genre: Self-Help

Joshua Armah

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am  the CEO of Armah Publishing Group, and author of Success Over Everything. I was born and raised in Atlantic City, NJ.  I have consulted over 100 brands and currently do a plethora of speaking engagements all over the United States. I am very serious about working with millennials, the youth, and groups of all ages by inspiring them to reach for the greatness within. I have a passion for building communities and coaching businesses/entrepreneurs on how to become successful. As a sales/marketing expert, I advise many on how to reach their goals and dominate their chosen industry. I run a technology services company that operates as a Publisher, Content Creator, and Consultant Firm.  My inspiration has been my upbringing and the course my life has taken. I have faced many trials and tribulations that molded me into the man I am today.

What is one of your favorite positive sayings or quotes?

Success Comes 1st - Joshua Armah
“Your net worth is your network.”
“Relationships precede work.”

Who or What inspired you to start writing this book?

I saw a need for millennials and other age groups to be educated on a blueprint for succeeding at whatever they choose to do. Primarily, my book was inspired by entrepreneurs but all people from various walls of life can relate to my message "Success Over Everything.”

What three words would you use to describe this book?

Success, Purification, and Revitalization

Who is your target group for this book?

People who desire success and want the most out of life is who my book is for. Race, age, gender, religion, etc aren't a factor because "Success Over Everything" is a blueprint for those working hard for success.

Tell us about this book.

"Success Over Everything" is a manual that gives the blueprint for how to become successful. This guide was designed to educate, empower, and activate your mind. Similar to a cup of coffee when you wake up in the morning, or a rush of adrenaline when you get excited. This book is a source of relief, knowledge, and wisdom through its application of information.

Do you have a favorite chapter from this book?

The Blueprint is the final chapter of the book. This is the most important phase of the book. All your learned principles and values are applied here.

What makes your book stand out from the crowd?

Experiences from my life and the vast amount of information I share which is applicable to any situation makes the book "Success Over Everything" a truly unique work of art. The book creates a relationship between the reader and the very words being consumed which allows for a mental epiphany to take place while be consumed. This book makes that light bulb in your brain go off.

Is your book in Print, ebook or both?

"Success Over Everything” is only in print. The E Book will be announced next year in 2016.

Tell us the link where potential readers can buy this book.

You can visit to buy "Success Over Everything"

Any additional links?

You can find me on social media @jarmahtheboss or by simply searching my name Joshua Armah on all platforms

Is there anything else you would like to share about this book?

My tour "Success Over Everything" starts in January of 2016. Dates will be announced on my website

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your world.
