
SEO Supports

Here at Plan2Win Author Interviews (AI) we showcase the works of Indie Authors. We provide a variety of genres to keep you interested. Indie Authors are unique because they publish their writing outside of traditional channels. 

We understand marketing is the next step after you have published your book.  We understand self-published Authors struggled with "getting noticed in a noisy market." We are here to provide social media proof you are the next rising star. We welcome guest post submitted by authors and author representatives for all genres except erotica. We post interviews and book trailers. We also will write your press release. If you are interested in any of our services please contact us on  Fiverr by clicking the links.  Coming soon, we will provide a service to setup your Official Author Website for those who do not have one or  do not have the time or skills to set it up yourself. 

Thanks for visiting!
