Thursday, November 12, 2015

Author: Melody Summers

Author Interview: Melody Summers

Book Title and Subtitle: How To Marry Mr. Rich: "How To Find A Single Man Who Is Making $150,000.00+ Plus A Year"

Genre: Romance  Dating  Marriage

Melody Summers

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I have been a paid Romance Writer for the last seven years, and now I am a Romance Novel Author.

What is one of your favorite positive sayings or quotes?

You Will Only Attract A Rich Man, If You Yourself Look Like A Rich Woman” Melody Summers

Who or What inspired you to start writing this book?

Being a "Welfare Mom" and then finding my very own Mr. Rich!

What three words would you use to describe this book?

"Women’s Indispensable Handbook"

Who is your target group for this book?

Woman [From ages 9 to 99]

Tell us about this book.

My new book "How To Marry Mr. Rich" is a no hype, no fluff, no nonsense guide to finding your very own Mr. Rich!

Do you have a favorite chapter from this book?

{YES I DO}  [Chapter 3] Finding Mr. Rich While Walking Your Dog (I found my very own Mr. Rich with this chapter!)

What makes your book stand out from the crowd?

Quite simply, there are 12 chapters in my book to find a wealthy man and I have lived and tested every one of them!

Is your book in Print, ebook or both?

It is available as an Amazon Kindle E-book for now and it will be available in paperback in 2016.

Tell us the link where potential readers can buy this book.

Any additional links?

We are currently building two new websites: 

Is there anything else you would like to share about this book?

"How To Marry Mr. Rich" will be available for FREE on November 22, 2015  
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your world.
