Monday, November 16, 2015

Author: Linda Govik

Author Interview: Linda Govik

Book Title and Subtitle: Legacy

Genre: Historical Fiction

Linda Govik

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Well, as it says in my author bio, I'm a Swede who spent one year in Scotland, served Prince Charles at a venue and now thinks I'm as British as tea and toast... though some Englishmen will most probably disagree. History is a big interest of mine, and it's a blessing to be able to combine this with my writing - though I occasionally enjoy writing contemporary fiction as well. I'm an avid reader, and love all genres, from romance to mystery novels and cyber punk. In my daily life, I'm an office manager / safety officer.

What is one of your favorite positive sayings or quotes?

On writing: "This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until its done. It's that easy, and that hard ~ Neil Gaiman
On life: "We were born to be real - not to be perfect"

Who or What inspired you to start writing this book?

I've always been writing, ever since I learned how to write. I used to jot down opening scenes in notebooks (in those days, I had no computer). Just that: opening scenes. I never intended to finish any stories. That's how Legacy started, too - one scene and that was all. I grew up, and life took over... and twenty years or so later, a few of my friends, when hearing that I liked to write, asked me to send something that I'd written. For some reason, I dusted off the scene from Legacy. My friends asked me for more, and so I started writing... and some years later, Legacy was born.

What three words would you use to describe this book?

Riveting, inspiring, uncompromising

Who is your target group for this book?

I thought it would be females, aged 18+.... but as I've discovered that men seem to enjoy the story as well, I'm really not sure anymore-readers of historical fiction, perhaps?

Tell us about this book.

Emily Bradley, an orphan born in a brothel in a small English town in 1784, flees after her first forced encounter with a client, Lord Charles Stanford. Five years later, he tracks her down and forces her into marriage in order to manipulate her and their son to secure his vast legacy. Emily must deny everything she is and loves, her art and her new country life, to keep the truth from his aristocratic family or face Lord Charles’ murderous temper. When she’s offered a commission to paint a portrait at the Royal French Court of Joséphine Bonaparte herself, Emily sees a chance to break free from her miserable life – but it means forming an alliance with the enemy of England, potentially exposing all her secrets, and possibly losing her son. Emily is forced into the hardest choice of her life: where her fate and her son’s future, hang in the balance.

Do you have a favorite chapter from this book?

Yes. I think it is when the main character meets the brother of the antagonist - a tortured soul with whom she connects, if only briefly. It's a lovely little scene, I think, which was very nice to write. But (this will sound very self-absorbed, but never mind)... I actually have a few other favorites in this book. I like the story.

What makes your book stand out from the crowd?

I used "uncompromising" as a word to describe my book, and that's what I think makes it stand out, just in the way that, for example, Diana Gabaldon's books are uncompromising - it's not a book for wimps. I haven't seen that in any other regency novels before (at least not that I've read).

Is your book in Print, ebook or both?

It's available as both (also as Kindle Unlimited).

Tell us the link where potential readers can buy this book.

Any additional links?

Is there anything else you would like to share about this book?

This is the first book in a planned series. The sequel is currently being written. The plan is to launch early in 2017.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your world.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Author: Melody Summers

Author Interview: Melody Summers

Book Title and Subtitle: How To Marry Mr. Rich: "How To Find A Single Man Who Is Making $150,000.00+ Plus A Year"

Genre: Romance  Dating  Marriage

Melody Summers

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I have been a paid Romance Writer for the last seven years, and now I am a Romance Novel Author.

What is one of your favorite positive sayings or quotes?

You Will Only Attract A Rich Man, If You Yourself Look Like A Rich Woman” Melody Summers

Who or What inspired you to start writing this book?

Being a "Welfare Mom" and then finding my very own Mr. Rich!

What three words would you use to describe this book?

"Women’s Indispensable Handbook"

Who is your target group for this book?

Woman [From ages 9 to 99]

Tell us about this book.

My new book "How To Marry Mr. Rich" is a no hype, no fluff, no nonsense guide to finding your very own Mr. Rich!

Do you have a favorite chapter from this book?

{YES I DO}  [Chapter 3] Finding Mr. Rich While Walking Your Dog (I found my very own Mr. Rich with this chapter!)

What makes your book stand out from the crowd?

Quite simply, there are 12 chapters in my book to find a wealthy man and I have lived and tested every one of them!

Is your book in Print, ebook or both?

It is available as an Amazon Kindle E-book for now and it will be available in paperback in 2016.

Tell us the link where potential readers can buy this book.

Any additional links?

We are currently building two new websites: 

Is there anything else you would like to share about this book?

"How To Marry Mr. Rich" will be available for FREE on November 22, 2015  
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your world.


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Author: Joshua Armah

Author Interview: Joshua Armah A.K.A. J Armah The Boss

Book Title and Subtitle: Success Over Everything: Success Comes 1st

Genre: Self-Help

Joshua Armah

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am  the CEO of Armah Publishing Group, and author of Success Over Everything. I was born and raised in Atlantic City, NJ.  I have consulted over 100 brands and currently do a plethora of speaking engagements all over the United States. I am very serious about working with millennials, the youth, and groups of all ages by inspiring them to reach for the greatness within. I have a passion for building communities and coaching businesses/entrepreneurs on how to become successful. As a sales/marketing expert, I advise many on how to reach their goals and dominate their chosen industry. I run a technology services company that operates as a Publisher, Content Creator, and Consultant Firm.  My inspiration has been my upbringing and the course my life has taken. I have faced many trials and tribulations that molded me into the man I am today.

What is one of your favorite positive sayings or quotes?

Success Comes 1st - Joshua Armah
“Your net worth is your network.”
“Relationships precede work.”

Who or What inspired you to start writing this book?

I saw a need for millennials and other age groups to be educated on a blueprint for succeeding at whatever they choose to do. Primarily, my book was inspired by entrepreneurs but all people from various walls of life can relate to my message "Success Over Everything.”

What three words would you use to describe this book?

Success, Purification, and Revitalization

Who is your target group for this book?

People who desire success and want the most out of life is who my book is for. Race, age, gender, religion, etc aren't a factor because "Success Over Everything" is a blueprint for those working hard for success.

Tell us about this book.

"Success Over Everything" is a manual that gives the blueprint for how to become successful. This guide was designed to educate, empower, and activate your mind. Similar to a cup of coffee when you wake up in the morning, or a rush of adrenaline when you get excited. This book is a source of relief, knowledge, and wisdom through its application of information.

Do you have a favorite chapter from this book?

The Blueprint is the final chapter of the book. This is the most important phase of the book. All your learned principles and values are applied here.

What makes your book stand out from the crowd?

Experiences from my life and the vast amount of information I share which is applicable to any situation makes the book "Success Over Everything" a truly unique work of art. The book creates a relationship between the reader and the very words being consumed which allows for a mental epiphany to take place while be consumed. This book makes that light bulb in your brain go off.

Is your book in Print, ebook or both?

"Success Over Everything” is only in print. The E Book will be announced next year in 2016.

Tell us the link where potential readers can buy this book.

You can visit to buy "Success Over Everything"

Any additional links?

You can find me on social media @jarmahtheboss or by simply searching my name Joshua Armah on all platforms

Is there anything else you would like to share about this book?

My tour "Success Over Everything" starts in January of 2016. Dates will be announced on my website

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your world.


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Author: Lynn Case

Author Interview: Lynn Case

Book Title and Subtitle: Gabrielle, Lost

Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Suspense

Lynn Case

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I was born in Baytown, Texas not far from Houston.  A southern girl at heart, I have lived most of my life in California.  Except for a few years spent in Alaska while my husband, Dan, was in the U.S. Army.My husband and I have two grown children and many pets. Multiple dogs, cats and a very curious cockatoo named Clyde. My husband and I have traveled across the country and have visited thirty eight states in the U.S. some multiples times.  Through our travels is where I get some of the inspirations for my stories.

Writing short stories here and there while growing up, being a private person, I never shared my writings, even with close friends or family.   Much less allow them to be made public.  I was strongly encouraged to publish my first novel, Fear’s Revenge in September 2013.  I received tremendous feedback from readers so I decided to release my second novel, Return to Lily Cove in March 2014 and just his past August I released my third novel, Gabrielle, lost and I am currently working on my fourth novel in the series, Feathers in the Wind.  Hopefully, I can get this one done and released in early 2016. 

What is one of your favorite positive sayings or quotes?

Be true to yourself. 

Who or What inspired you to start writing this book?

I kept having scenes run through my mind and after a few days of it repeating itself I decided to start writing them down.  Day after day until the first book was done.  Then it was onto the next story.

What three words would you use to describe this book?

Roller Coaster Ride

Who is your target group for this book?

My books are about women in their late 30's.  Because basically us women are never older than that, right ladies?  So my target group is women 18 and over.  I feel that some of the chapters are a little graphic, so I wouldn't recommend them for younger audiences.

Tell us about this book.

Gabrielle Grimaldi, the former party girl from Fears Revenge, thought she had finally found the right man, Frank, to settle down with.  Her career in the fashion world was beginning to take off.  That is, until she gets the opportunity to do some training in Italy and meets Giada Rosso, a wild Italian, fast driving, hot tempered fashion house maverick that would be her trainer.  The two women have an instant connection.  Then Gabrielle meets Antonio, Gia’s brother and tensions begin to rise between the three of them.  She finds herself reverting back to her wilder ways.

Gabrielle soon discovers that her new found friends have a questionable family business on the dark side of the law.  She soon discovers shipments in the family vineyard wine bottles hidden amongst fabrics for the fashion house. Soon she must decide between her boyfriend in America and her new friends in Italy.  Confusion and tension rise as emotions continue to run high as kidnapping and sexual encounters ensue.Gabrielle then learns the connection between her boyfriend and her new friends in Italy. 

Do you have a favorite chapter from this book?

In Gabrielle, lost, my favorite chapter would be hmm . . . that's a tough one.  There are many scenes in that novel that I really feel good about.  Maybe cooking the lobsters in Chapter 1?  Or maybe being chasing around the office by her trainer.  Very tense and funny at the same time. 

What do you hope people will gain from reading this book?

Well, I hope they enjoy reading my novels for stories themselves.  I do hope the readers ultimately get the message that regardless of what or how your life has turned out we make our life what we want.  If we don't like what we have been dealt with in life, we have the inner power and strength to change it. 

Is your book in Print, ebook or both?

All my novels are available in print in pefect bound, hard bound and in ebook for those readers to download on their ipads, tablets and smart phone.

What advice would you give to other Writers?

Write, just write.  Write it down.  Whatever comes to mind.  It may not make sense to you right now, but later on it might.  Just keep writing, never give up something you love doing.

Tell us the link where potential readers can buy this book.

Any additional links?

Is there anything else you would like to share about this book?

I have been asked many times if I will ever do a book signing tour.  I actually have set up a fundraiser to help with marketing and travel costs for just that purpose.  If you would like donate please go to:

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your world.

Author: Lynn Case

Author Interview: Lynn Case

Book Title and Subtitle: Return to Lily Cove

Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Suspense

Lynn Case

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I was born in Baytown, Texas not far from Houston.  A southern girl at heart, I have lived most of my life in California.  Except for a few years spent in Alaska while my husband, Dan, was in the U.S. Army. My husband and I have two grown children and many pets. Multiple dogs, cats and a very curious cockatoo named Clyde.My husband and I have traveled across the country and have visited thirty eight states in the U.S. some multiples times.  Through our travels is where I get some of the inspirations for my stories.

Writing short stories here and there while growing up, being a private person, I never shared my writings, even with close friends or family.   Much less allow them to be made public.  I was strongly encouraged to publish my first novel, Fear’s Revenge in September 2013. I received tremendous feedback from readers so I decided to release my second novel, Return to Lily Cove in March 2014 and just his past August I released my third novel, Gabrielle, lost and I am currently working on my fourth novel in the series, Feathers in the Wind.  Hopefully, I can get this one done and released in early 2016. 

What is one of your favorite positive sayings or quotes?

Be true to yourself. 

Who or What inspired you to start writing this book?

I kept having scenes run through my mind and after a few days of it repeating itself I decided to start writing them down.  Day after day until the first book was done.  Then it was onto the next story.

What three words would you use to describe this book?

Roller Coaster Ride

Who is your target group for this book?

My books are about women in their late 30's.  Because basically us women are never older than that, right ladies?  So my target group is women 18 and over.  I feel that some of the chapters are a little graphic, so I wouldn't recommend them for younger audiences.

Tell us about this book.

Lillian Anderson thought she had everything that she was entitled to in life. She married her college sweetheart, David, and was a successful and well-respected child psychotherapist in sunny California.Fast forward a decade. Lillian now finds herself stuck in a loveless marriage to a man that had become a womanizing drunk. Her life had become mundane and routine. That is until she met with her newest patient and her ghostly playmate.

Lillian's life is instantly turned upside down as she is drawn into the paranormal world of unsettled spirits and their unfinished business in our earthly world. She is given a rare opportunity to change events in her past to assist her with getting her present and future back onto the path that was her destiny. With the help of a special friend, and a few old ones from her childhood hometown, Lillian tries to find the one event that changed her life in some scary, funny and some adult situations.

Do you have a favorite chapter from this book?

In Return to Lily Cove, my favorite chapter would probably be chapter 5 when she runs into her old high school boyfriend.  But to be honest there are a few chapters in that novel that I like.  It would be difficult to pull out just one of them.

What do you hope people will gain from reading this book?

Well, I hope they enjoy reading my novels for stories themselves.  I do hope the readers ultimately get the message that regardless of what or how your life has turned out we make our life what we want.  If we don't like what we have been dealt with in life, we have the inner power and strength to change it. 

Is your book in Print, ebook or both?

All my novels are available in print in pefect bound, hard bound and in ebook for those readers to download on their ipads, tablets and smart phone.

What advice would you give to other Writers?

Write, just write.  Write it down.  Whatever comes to mind.  It may not make sense to you right now, but later on it might.  Just keep writing, never give up something you love doing.

Tell us the link where potential readers can buy this book.

Any additional links?

Is there anything else you would like to share about this book?

I have been asked many times if I will ever do a book signing tour.  I actually have set up a fundraiser to help with marketing and travel costs for just that purpose.  If you would like donate please go to:

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your world.

Author: Lynn Case

Author Interview: Lynn Case

Book Title and Subtitle: Fear's Revenge

Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Suspense

Lynn Case

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I was born in Baytown, Texas not far from Houston.  A southern girl at heart, I have lived most of my life in California.  Except for a few years spent in Alaska while my husband, Dan, was in the U.S. Army. My husband and I have two grown children and many pets. Multiple dogs, cats and a very curious cockatoo named Clyde.My husband and I have traveled across the country and have visited thirty eight states in the U.S. some multiples times.  

Through our travels is where I get some of the inspirations for my stories. Writing short stories here and there while growing up, being a private person, I never shared my writings, even with close friends or family.   Much less allow them to be made public.  I was strongly encouraged to publish my first novel, Fear’s Revenge in September 2013. I received tremendous feedback from readers so I decided to release my second novel, Return to Lily Cove in March 2014 and just his past August I released my third novel, Gabrielle, lost and I am currently working on my fourth novel in the series, Feathers in the Wind.  Hopefully, I can get this one done and released in early 2016. 

What is one of your favorite positive sayings or quotes?

Be true to yourself. 

Who or What inspired you to start writing this book?

I kept having scenes run through my mind and after a few days of it repeating itself I decided to start writing them down.  Day after day until the first book was done.  Then it was onto the next story.

What three words would you use to describe this book?

Roller Coaster Ride

Who is your target group for this book?

My books are about women in their late 30's.  Because basically us women are never older than that, right ladies?  So my target group is women 18 and over.  I feel that some of the chapters are a little graphic, so I wouldn't recommend them for younger audiences.

Tell us about this book.

Allison Symms had forgotten everything about that night over twenty years ago.  The night she was held captive in an old cabin in the woods. Last thing she can remember is running through the woods and crashing head on into something, falling back knocking herself unconscious.She doesn’t remember anything about that night until one day she gets knocked over by a city bus taking a turn to sharp and hits her head against a flower planter and goes unconscious once again.  Then she begins to have horrific nightmares and flashbacks to events that she can’t remember.

After seeing her therapist and undergoing hypnosis, all is revealed about the lost events of that one traumatic night. Allison decides to take the law into her own hands and take Fears Revenge on the four boys that held her captive.As each detailed step of revenge Allison takes against, Cole, Tyler, Tony and Bobby she is beginning the healing and growing process in more ways than she bargained for.

Do you have a favorite chapter from this book?

In Fears Revenge my favorite chapter is definitely chapter 15.  I think I was laughing the whole time I was writing the main scene.

What do you hope people will gain from reading this book?

Well, I hope they enjoy reading my novels for stories themselves.  I do hope the readers ultimately get the message that regardless of what or how your life has turned out we make our life what we want.  If we don't like what we have been dealt with in life, we have the inner power and strength to change it. 

Is your book in Print, ebook or both?

All my novels are available in print in pefect bound, hard bound and in ebook for those readers to download on their ipads, tablets and smart phone.

What advice would you give to other Writers?

Write, just write.  Write it down.  Whatever comes to mind.  It may not make sense to you right now, but later on it might.  Just keep writing, never give up something you love doing.

Tell us the link where potential readers can buy this book.

Any additional links?

Is there anything else you would like to share about this book?

I have been asked many times if I will ever do a book signing tour.  I actually have set up a fundraiser to help with marketing and travel costs for just that purpose.  If you would like donate please go to:

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your world.
